Job Openings
Profilo: Collaboratore di Amministrazione VII livello
Sede di Lavoro: AGRATE BRIANZA
Codice bando: 318.29 CA IMM MB [3], Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 48 del 17/06/2022, Scadenza: 18/07/2022 18:00:00
PROROGA/RIAPERTURA: Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 63 del 09/08/2022
Scadenza: 08/09/2022 18:00:00
N. posti: 1Requisiti: ART. 2 [3] del bando
Requisiti: ART. 2 [3] del bando
Post-Doc Position Open (AR IMM018/2019/MB)
Synthesis of phase change chalcogenide nanostructures by chemical Vapor Deposition and their chemical-physical characterization.
Position Code: AR IMM018/2019/MB
Place: CNR-IMM, Unit of Agrate Brianza, via Olivetti 2, Agrate Brianza, Italy,
Application to be sent either to: (from a PEC e-mail address - mandatory for Italian citizens) or to: (for foreigners not holding a PEC e-mail address). The full application should include as attachments: 1) the compiled form (Annex A of the Call), 2) the CV, 3) the list of more relevant publications, 4) (optional) individual files for publications not available on the Web and/or any other title relevant for the evaluation - Assistance for the application procedure will be provided to foreign candidates.
Deadline: 14 June 2019
Evaluation procedure: 1) evaluation of submitted titles (first stage); 2) interview (second stage)
Duration: 1 year (renewable within the project)
Project: H2020-ICT BeforeHand – “Boosting Performance of Phase Change Devices by Hetero- and Nano-Structure Material Design”, Grant Agreement no. 824957.,
Skills: Expertise on the deposition of thin films or nanostructures; clean room experience, expertise in the morphological (SEM) characterization; optional: expertise in phase change memories, CVD and in other chemical-physical characterization techniques (XRF, XPS, XRD, c-AFM, EDX,…).
Contact: Dr. Massimo Longo - e-mail:
Expected start date: 02 September 2019
Epitaxy of 2D monoelemental materials (Xenes) and their in situ characterization
Position Code: AR IMM 012/2019/MB
Place: CNR-IMM, Unit of Agrate Brianza, via Olivetti 2, Agrate Brianza, Italy
Application to be sent to: (using a PEC e-mail address - mandatory for Italian citizens) or to: (for foreigners not holding a PEC e-mail address). The full application should include as attachments: 1) the compiled form (Annex A of the Call), 2) the CV, 3) the list of more relevant publications, 4) (optional) individual files for publications not available on the Web and/or any other title relevant for the evaluation
Deadline: May 31, 2019
Evaluation procedure: 1) evaluation of submitted titles (first stage); 2) interview (second stage)
Duration: 1 year (renewable within the project)
Project: ERC-COG 2017 (2018-23) “Xene Fabrication for a Two-Dimensional Nanotechnology Platform - XFab”,
Academic titles: MSc and PhD degrees in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Nanotechnology and similar.
Skills: [requested] Expertise on the molecular beam epitaxy of ultra-thin films, 2D materials or nanostructures on substrates; Expertise in the in situ characterization of surface under ultra high vacuum techniques of scanning probe microscopy (e.g. STM, AFM), spectroscopy (e.g. XPS) and diffraction (e.g. LEED, RHEED); [optional] expertise in the growth of metals and oxides, and of surface preparation under ultra high vacuum; expertise on the topic of the call.
Contact:Dr. Alessandro Molle - e-mail: - twitter: @AlessandroMolle
Growth of Weyl semimetals and their magnetotransport study
Position Code: AR IMM 013/2019/MB
Place: CNR-IMM, Unit of Agrate Brianza, via Olivetti 2, Agrate Brianza, Italy,
Application to be sent to: (using a PEC e-mail address - mandatory for Italian citizens) or to: (for foreigners not holding a PEC e-mail address). The full application should include as attachments: 1) the compiled form (Annex A of the Call), 2) the CV, 3) the list of more relevant publications, 4) (optional) individual files for publications not available on the Web and/or any other title relevant for the evaluation
Deadline: May 31, 2019
Evaluation procedure: 1) evaluation of submitted titles (first stage); 2) interview (second stage)
Duration: 1 year (renewable within the project)
Project: H2020-FETPROACT-2018-01 Skytop Project “Skyrmion-Topological insulator and Weyl semimetal technology”,
Academic titles: MSc and PhD degrees in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Nanotechnology and similar.
Skills: The successful candidate will develop processes for the growth of the Weyl semimetals WTe2 and MoTe2 by CVD. She/He will be in charge of validating the semimetal behavior of the layers through magnetotransport. Target: production and functional validation of Weyl semimetals on large scale to allow future manufacturability.
Contact: Dr. Roberto Mantovan
Post-Doc fellowship in the framework of the European project MOS-QUITO: MOS-based Quantum Information Technology
Assegno Post-Dottorale: senior
scadenza/deadline: 18 Aprile 2019
Titolo: Caratterizzazione sperimentale di bit quantistici in nanostrutture di silicio CMOS compatibili / Characterization of qubits in CMOS compatible silicon nanostructures
Requisiti (da bando): Titolo di dottore di ricerca di durata minima triennale in fisica, ingegneria elettronica o materie affini ed esperienza biennale nell’ambito della tematica del bando comprovata da pubblicazioni scientifiche / PhD in Physics or electronic Engineering, and experience in the topics that are the subject of the present selection, supported by scientific publications.
Researchers in charge: Dr Marco De Michielis
Post-Doc / Post-graduate fellowship in the framework of the European project SKYTOP: Skyrmion-Topological insulator and Weyl semimetal technology
Assegno Post-Dottorale: IMM-010-2018-MB-Prot 0082401
scadenza/deadline: 31 Dicembre 2018
Titolo: Sintesi di isolanti topologici mediante tecniche di deposizione chimica da fase vapore e loro caratterizzazione magnetoresistiva / Synthesis of topological insulators by chemical vapor deposition and their magnetotrasport characterization
Requisiti (da bando): Titolo di dottore di ricerca di durata minima triennale in fisica, chimica scienza/ingegneria dei materiali, nanotecnologie o materie affini ed esperienza nell’ambito della tematica del bando / PhD in Physics or Chemistry or Material Science or Nanotechnology, and experience in the topics that are the subject of the present selection.
Researchers in charge: Dr Roberto Mantovan and Dr Massimo Longo
Ricercatore liv. 3 (ART 83 CCNL ART 8 DISCIPL) TEMPO DETERMINATO / Profile: Fixed-term researcher
Codice Bando / Code IMM-380-001-2018-MB-Prot 0069429, Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 88 del 06/11/2018,
scadenza / deadline : 06/12/2018
- Numero posti a concorso / number of positions : 1
- Titoli di studio: Fisica, Ingegneria Fisica, Scienza dei materiali / Acedemic titles: Physics, Physical engineering, Materials Science
Requisiti / Requisites:
- Aver svolto per un triennio attività di ricerca in settori inerenti alle competenze specifiche della tematica ovvero titolo di dottore di ricerca in Fisica, Scienza dei Materiali, Nanotecnologie o discipline affini / 3 years long reserach activity in the topic and/or PhD degree
- Comprovata esperienza nella gestione di sistemi di crescita per epitassia da fasci molecolari (MBE) in condizioni di ultra-alto vuoto (UHV) e nell’utilizzo di tecniche in situ per la caratterizzazione di nanomateriali con specifico interesse per la microscopia a scansione ad effetto tunnel, spettroscopia da fotoemissione e tecniche ottiche ex situ; documentata esperienza (almeno triennale) nella tematica dei nuovi materiali bidimensionali cresciuti epitassialmente / Solid expertise of moelcular beam epitaxy system operating in ultra-high vacuum conditions and in the in situ characterization of nanomaterials with focus on scanning tunneling microscopy, photoemission spectrscopy and ex situ optical techniques; solid expertise (at least 3-years long) in the topic of emerging epitxially grown two-dimensional materials
- conoscenza della lingua inglese e dell’informatica di base / Basic knowledge of English
- conoscenza della lingua italiana per i candidati di cittadinanza diversa da quella italiana
- Area scientifica : Fisica, Ingegneria / Scientific field: Physics, Engineering
- Struttura destinataria / Job location: Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi sez. Agrate Brianza
- Sede (provincia) / place : Agrate Brianza (MB)
Contact: Dr. Alessandro Molle
Ricercatore liv. 3 (ART 83 CCNL ART 8 DISCIPL) TEMPO DETERMINATO / Profile: Fixed-term researcher
Codice Bando / Code IMM-380-002-2018-MB-Prot 0069460, Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 88 del 06/11/2018,
scadenza / deadline : 06/12/2018
- Numero posti a concorso / number of positions : 1
- Titoli di studio: Chimica, Fisica, Ingegneria Fisica, Scienza dei materiali / Academic titles: Chemistry, Physics, Physical Engineering, Materials Science
Requisiti / Requisites:
- Aver svolto per un triennio attività di ricerca in settori inerenti alle competenze specifiche della tematica ovvero titolo di dottore di ricerca in Fisica, Scienza dei Materiali, Nanotecnologie o discipline affini / 3 years long reserach activity in the topic and/or PhD degree
- Comprovate competenze sui processi di sintesi tramite tecniche di deposizione chimica/fisica da fase vapore e caratterizzazione di materiali bidimensionali emergenti tramite tecniche di spettroscopia ottica (spettroscopia Raman e/o trasmittanza/riflettanza in regime vis-UV), spettroscopia da fotoemissione e microscopia a scansione di sonda; ottimizzazione delle proprietà di materiali nanostrutturati per integrazione in dispositivo attraverso sviluppo di processi in camera pulita. Documentata esperienza (almeno triennale) nel trattamento e nell’implementazione tecnologica di materiali bidimensionali / Solid Expertise on the synthesis of chemical/physical vapor deposition techniques and characterization of emerging two-dimensional materials by means of optical spectroscopies (Raman spectrsocopy, vis-UV absorbance/reflectance), photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning probe microscopy; optimization of nanostructured materials for integration in devices through clean-romm processing; solid expertise in the handling of two-dimensional materials;
- Conoscenza della lingua inglese e dell’informatica di base / Basic knowledge of English
- Conoscenza della lingua italiana per i candidati di cittadinanza diversa da quella italiana
- Area scientifica : Chimica, Fisica / Scientific field: Chemistry, Physics
- Struttura destinataria / Job location: Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi
- Sede (provincia) / place : Agrate Brianza (MB)
Contact: Dr. Alessandro Molle
Post-Doc / Post-graduate fellowship
Assegno Post-Dottorale: IMM-007-2018-MB-Prot 0068668
scadenza/deadline: 9 Novembre 2018
Titolo: Sintesi e caratterizzazione spettroscopica di dicalcogenuri di metalli di transizione bidimensionali / Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of two-dimensional transistion metal dichalcogenides
Requisiti (da bando): Nella valutazione verranno prioritariamente considerate competenze nell'uso di tecniche da laboratorio per la caratterizzazione spettroscopica di materiali, superfici e interfacce con particolare attenzione per la spettroscopia Raman; verranno, inoltre, tenute in considerazione competenze specifiche nella sintesi di materiali bidimensionali e loro caratterizzazione strutturale / In the evaluation, expertise on the use of lab techniques for the spectroscopic characterization of materials, surfaces and interfaces with focus on Raman spectroscopy as well as specific expertise in the synthesis of two-dimensional materials (and their structural characterization) will be selectively taken into account.
Researcher in charge: Dr. Alessandro Molle