Alessandro Molle , from CNR-IMM, PI of the project and already ERC grantee for the project “XFab” since 2018, is awarded the ERC-PoC grant "XMem" aimed at assessing the technology transfer of fully stabilised silicene nanosheets following up the ERC-CoG grant " XFab ". The goal is to integrate...

In our brain, close range interactions among electrically active neurons builds up a collective input-specific response to external stimuli able to trigger efficient cognitive tasks, like classification, decision-making and perception. In the same way, interacting nano-oscillators will be used to...

Neural processing in the nervous system occurs naturally over multiple time scales ranging from milliseconds (axonal transmission) to seconds (spoken phrases) and much longer intervals (motor learning). In MeM-Scales we aim at building a novel class of neuromorphic computing systems that reproduce... NEUROTECH - Neuromorphic Computing Technology (NCT) is an EU Horizon 2020 FETPROACT CSA project ( grant n. 824103) on Community Building in Neuromorphic Computing Technologies (NCT) started on November 1 st , 2018 and with duration of 36 Months. News : Check our online...

SKYTOP (Skyrmion-Topological insulator and Weyl semimetal technology) is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project in FETPROACT-01-2018. The overall objective in SKYTOP is to make cross-fertilization between different topological classes of materials to realize devices with intertwined electronic spin and...

The XFab Project arises from an ERC CoG 2017 grant to Alessandro Molle . X points to the kind of atoms that consititute the epitaxial Xenes , an emerging class of monoelemental 2D-materials beyond graphene (silicene, germanene, stanene, etc.). Fab means production, process standardization, and...

Bando di riferimento : Accordo Quadro tra CNR e Regione Lombardia sottoscritto il 1/10/2015: Avviso per la presentazione di proposte progettuali per l’attuazione di programmi di ricerca e sviluppo e valorizzazione del capitale umano con ricadute dirette sul sistema della ricerca e sul territorio...

CrystEL is a project founded by the joint call of the Fondazione CARIPLO and Regione Lombarda for an incremented attractivity and competitiveness of the regional research system in the ERC framework.The project consists in the synsthesis and characterization extended single two-dimensional (2D)...

SPAM 3 is a biennial national project developed at the MDM National Laboratory. The project is supported by the CARIPLO Foundation . The aim of SPAM 3 is to develop efficient and cost effective methods and processes for the fabrication of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ) in which the magnetization...

EMMA is a FP6 - ICT European project, grant agreemnet n. 33751 This project will investigate the feasibility of emerging new non-volatile memory concepts based on resistive-switching materials for enabling new mass-storage memory systems. These new memory concepts allow integration of the memory...

GOSSAMER, or “Gigascale Oriented Solid State flAsh Memory for EuRope” is a European Integrated ICT project carried out by a consortium of 13 partners and supported by the European Commission through the FP7 program . The GOSSAMER project aims at the development of the technology for very high...

This is a research and Innovation Action of the Eu Horizon 2020 Programme In this project, CMOS technology will be exploited to fabricate nanodevices to implement and benchmark different architectures of quantum bits (qubits) based on spin degree of freedom at cryogenic temperatures. The goal of...

Lab4MEMS II project is funded by the European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council (ENIAC) Joint Undertaking (JU), a public-private partnership in nanoelectronics. Lab4MEMS II focuses on Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) that merge MEMS with Micro-optics to sense or manipulate...

MAGWIRE : Magnetic Nanowires for High Density Non Volatile Memories Fast, high capacity, low factor and low power non-volatile memories are a crucial enabler of today’s ICT. They are already an important part of all electronic systems, representing a growing market segment, and should increase...

Information processing in classical von Neumann architectures is less efficient compared to biological counterparts when dealing with ill-posed problems and noisy data. The reason is that the biological brain is configured differently and the key is its evolving structure, where connectivity...